

FivetranSensorAsync asynchronously monitors a Fivetran sync job for completion. Monitoring with FivetranSensorAsync allows you to trigger downstream processes only when the Fivetran sync jobs have completed, ensuring data consistency. You can use multiple instances of FivetranSensorAsync to monitor multiple Fivetran connectors. FivetranSensorAsync requires that you specify the connector_id of the sync job to start. You can find connector_id in the Settings page of the connector you configured in the Fivetran dashboard.

Access Instructions

Install the Fivetran provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


fivetran_conn_idConn ID of the Connection to be used to configure the hook.
connector_idID of the Fivetran connector to sync, found on the Connector settings page in the Fivetran Dashboard.
poke_intervalTime in seconds that the job should wait in between each tries
fivetran_retry_limit# of retries when encountering API errors
fivetran_retry_delayTime to wait before retrying API request


FivetranSensorAsync asynchronously monitors a Fivetran sync job for completion. Monitoring with FivetranSensorAsync allows you to trigger downstream processes only when the Fivetran sync jobs have completed, ensuring data consistency. You can use multiple instances of FivetranSensorAsync to monitor multiple Fivetran connectors. FivetranSensorAsync requires that you specify the connector_id of the sync job to start. You can find connector_id in the Settings page of the connector you configured in the Fivetran dashboard.

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