

This hook allows you to post messages to Telegram using the telegram python-telegram-bot library.

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Last Updated: Feb. 22, 2023

Access Instructions

Install the Telegram provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


telegram_conn_idconnection that optionally has Telegram API token in the password field
tokenoptional telegram API token
chat_idoptional chat_id of the telegram chat/channel/group


This hook allows you to post messages to Telegram using the telegram python-telegram-bot library.

The library can be found here: It accepts both telegram bot API token directly or connection that has telegram bot API token. If both supplied, token parameter will be given precedence, otherwise ‘password’ field in the connection from telegram_conn_id will be used. chat_id can also be provided in the connection using ‘host’ field in connection. Following is the details of a telegram_connection: name: ‘telegram-connection-name’ conn_type: ‘http’ password: ‘TELEGRAM_TOKEN’ host: ‘chat_id’ (optional) Examples: .. code-block:: python

# Create hook telegram_hook = TelegramHook(telegram_conn_id=”telegram_default”) # or telegram_hook = TelegramHook(telegram_conn_id=’telegram_default’, chat_id=’-1xxx’) # or telegram_hook = TelegramHook(token=’xxx:xxx’, chat_id=’-1xxx’)

# Call method from telegram bot client telegram_hook.send_message(None, {“text”: “message”, “chat_id”: “-1xxx”}) # or telegram_hook.send_message(None’, {“text”: “message”})

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