

Base Slack Operator The SlackAPIPostOperator is derived from this operator. In the future additional Slack API Operators will be derived from this class as well. Only one of slack_conn_id and token is required.

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Last Updated: Oct. 23, 2022

Access Instructions

Install the Slack provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


slack_conn_idSlack API Connection which its password is Slack API token. Optional
tokenSlack API token ( Optional
methodThe Slack API Method to Call ( Optional
api_paramsAPI Method call parameters ( Optional
client_argsSlack Hook parameters. Optional. Check airflow.providers.slack.hooks.SlackHook


Base Slack Operator The SlackAPIPostOperator is derived from this operator. In the future additional Slack API Operators will be derived from this class as well. Only one of slack_conn_id and token is required.

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