

Create new connection to Segment and allows you to pull data out of Segment or write to it.

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Last Updated: Oct. 23, 2022

Access Instructions

Install the Segment provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


segment_conn_idthe name of the connection that has the parameters we need to connect to Segment. The connection should be type json and include a write_key security token in the Extras field.
segment_debug_modeDetermines whether Segment should run in debug mode. Defaults to False


Create new connection to Segment and allows you to pull data out of Segment or write to it.

You can then use that file with other Airflow operators to move the data around or interact with segment.


You must include a JSON structure in the Extras field. We need a user’s security token to connect to Segment. So we define it in the Extras field as: {“write_key”:”YOUR_SECURITY_TOKEN”}

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