Access Instructions
Install the Qubole provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
Execute tasks (commands) on QDS (
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Execute tasks
- kwargs:
- command_type
type of command to be executed, e.g. hivecmd, shellcmd, hadoopcmd
- tags
array of tags to be assigned with the command
- cluster_label
cluster label on which the command will be executed
- name
name to be given to command
- notify
whether to send email on command completion or not (default is False)
Arguments specific to command types
- hivecmd:
- query
inline query statement
- script_location
s3 location containing query statement
- sample_size
size of sample in bytes on which to run query
- macros
macro values which were used in query
- sample_size
size of sample in bytes on which to run query
- hive-version
Specifies the hive version to be used. eg: 0.13,1.2,etc.
- prestocmd:
- query
inline query statement
- script_location
s3 location containing query statement
- macros
macro values which were used in query
- hadoopcmd:
- sub_commnad
must be one these [“jar”, “s3distcp”, “streaming”] followed by 1 or more args
- shellcmd:
- script
inline command with args
- script_location
s3 location containing query statement
- files
list of files in s3 bucket as file1,file2 format. These files will be copied into the working directory where the qubole command is being executed.
- archives
list of archives in s3 bucket as archive1,archive2 format. These will be unarchived into the working directory where the qubole command is being executed
- parameters
any extra args which need to be passed to script (only when script_location is supplied)
- pigcmd:
- script
inline query statement (latin_statements)
- script_location
s3 location containing pig query
- parameters
any extra args which need to be passed to script (only when script_location is supplied
- sparkcmd:
- program
the complete Spark Program in Scala, R, or Python
- cmdline
spark-submit command line, all required arguments must be specify in cmdline itself.
- sql
inline sql query
- script_location
s3 location containing query statement
- language
language of the program, Scala, R, or Python
- app_id
ID of an Spark job server app
- arguments
spark-submit command line arguments. If cmdline is selected, this should not be used because all required arguments and configurations are to be passed in the cmdline itself.
- user_program_arguments
arguments that the user program takes in
- macros
macro values which were used in query
- note_id
Id of the Notebook to run
- dbtapquerycmd:
- db_tap_id
data store ID of the target database, in Qubole.
- query
inline query statement
- macros
macro values which were used in query
- dbexportcmd:
- mode
Can be 1 for Hive export or 2 for HDFS/S3 export
- schema
Db schema name assumed accordingly by database if not specified
- hive_table
Name of the hive table
- partition_spec
partition specification for Hive table.
- dbtap_id
data store ID of the target database, in Qubole.
- db_table
name of the db table
- db_update_mode
allowinsert or updateonly
- db_update_keys
columns used to determine the uniqueness of rows
- export_dir
HDFS/S3 location from which data will be exported.
- fields_terminated_by
hex of the char used as column separator in the dataset
- use_customer_cluster
To use cluster to run command
- customer_cluster_label
the label of the cluster to run the command on
- additional_options
Additional Sqoop options which are needed enclose options in double or single quotes e.g. ‘–map-column-hive id=int,data=string’
- dbimportcmd:
- mode
1 (simple), 2 (advance)
- hive_table
Name of the hive table
- schema
Db schema name assumed accordingly by database if not specified
- hive_serde
Output format of the Hive Table
- dbtap_id
data store ID of the target database, in Qubole.
- db_table
name of the db table
- where_clause
where clause, if any
- parallelism
number of parallel db connections to use for extracting data
- extract_query
SQL query to extract data from db. $CONDITIONS must be part of the where clause.
- boundary_query
Query to be used get range of row IDs to be extracted
- split_column
Column used as row ID to split data into ranges (mode 2)
- use_customer_cluster
To use cluster to run command
- customer_cluster_label
the label of the cluster to run the command on
- additional_options
Additional Sqoop options which are needed enclose options in double or single quotes
- jupytercmd:
- path
Path including name of the Jupyter notebook to be run with extension.
- arguments
Valid JSON to be sent to the notebook. Specify the parameters in notebooks and pass the parameter value using the JSON format. key is the parameter’s name and value is the parameter’s value. Supported types in parameters are string, integer, float and boolean.