PulumiPulumiPreviewOperator previews infrastructure resources using the Pulumi Automation API.
Access Instructions
Install the Pulumi provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
pulumi_programRequiredCallablethe Pulumi program callable for creating infrastructure resources.
stack_configOptional[Dict[str, Any]], optionaldictionary of configuration options for the Pulumi stack, defaults to None Example: stack_config={“aws:region”: “us-west-2}
pluginsOptional[Dict[str, str]], optionala dictionary of plugins to include in the Pulumi program, defaults to None Example: plugins={“aws”: “v5.0.0}
pulumi_conn_idOptional[str], optionalconnection that contains Pulumi stack backend URL, project name, stack name, and other required details about connecting with Pulumi, defaults to PulumiAutoHook.default_conn_name
PulumiPreviewOperator previews infrastructure resources using the Pulumi Automation API.