

BasePulumiOperator contains common methods for interacting with a Pulumi stack via the provided pulumi_conn_id.

Access Instructions

Install the Pulumi provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


pulumi_programRequiredCallablethe Pulumi program callable for creating infrastructure resources.
stack_configOptional[Dict[str, Any]], optionaldictionary of configuration options for the Pulumi stack, defaults to None Example: stack_config={“aws:region”: “us-west-2}
pluginsOptional[Dict[str, str]], optionala dictionary of plugins to include in the Pulumi program, defaults to None Example: plugins={“aws”: “v5.0.0}
pulumi_conn_idOptional[str], optionalconnection that contains Pulumi stack backend URL, project name, stack name, and other required details about connecting with Pulumi, defaults to PulumiAutoHook.default_conn_name


BasePulumiOperator contains common methods for interacting with a Pulumi stack via the provided pulumi_conn_id.

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