PrestoExecutes a single SQL statement in Presto and sends the results to Slack. The results of the query are rendered into the ‘slack_message’ parameter as a Pandas dataframe using a JINJA variable called ‘{{ results_df }}’. The ‘results_df’ variable name can be changed by specifying a different ‘results_df_name’ parameter. The Tabulate library is added to the JINJA environment as a filter to allow the dataframe to be rendered nicely. For example, set ‘slack_message’ to {{ results_df | tabulate(tablefmt=”pretty”, headers=”keys”) }} to send the results to Slack as an ascii rendered table.
Access Instructions
Install the Presto provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
Executes a single SQL statement in Presto and sends the results to Slack. The results of the query are rendered into the ‘slack_message’ parameter as a Pandas dataframe using a JINJA variable called ‘{{ results_df }}’. The ‘results_df’ variable name can be changed by specifying a different ‘results_df_name’ parameter. The Tabulate library is added to the JINJA environment as a filter to allow the dataframe to be rendered nicely. For example, set ‘slack_message’ to {{ results_df | tabulate(tablefmt=”pretty”, headers=”keys”) }} to send the results to Slack as an ascii rendered table.
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: prestotoslackoperator