OracleInteract with Oracle SQL.
Access Instructions
Install the Oracle provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
oracle_conn_idThe Oracle connection id used for Oracle credentials.
thick_modeSpecify whether to use python-oracledb in thick mode. Defaults to False. If set to True, you must have the Oracle Client libraries installed. See oracledb docs for more info.
thick_mode_lib_dirPath to use to find the Oracle Client libraries when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library on the OS. See oracledb docs for more info.
thick_mode_config_dirPath to use to find the Oracle Client library configuration files when using thick mode. If not specified, defaults to the standard way of locating the Oracle Client library configuration files on the OS. See oracledb docs for more info.
fetch_decimalsSpecify whether numbers should be fetched as decimal.Decimal values. See defaults.fetch_decimals for more info.
fetch_lobsSpecify whether to fetch strings/bytes for CLOBs or BLOBs instead of locators. See defaults.fetch_lobs for more info.
Interact with Oracle SQL.