MySQLMoves data from Vertica to MySQL.
Access Instructions
Install the MySQL provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
sqlSQL query to execute against the Vertica database. (templated)
vertica_conn_idsource Vertica connection
mysql_tabletarget MySQL table, use dot notation to target a specific database. (templated)
mysql_conn_idReference to mysql connection id.
mysql_preoperatorsql statement to run against MySQL prior to import, typically use to truncate of delete in place of the data coming in, allowing the task to be idempotent (running the task twice won’t double load data). (templated)
mysql_postoperatorsql statement to run against MySQL after the import, typically used to move data from staging to production and issue cleanup commands. (templated)
bulk_loadflag to use bulk_load option. This loads MySQL directly from a tab-delimited text file using the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command. The MySQL server must support loading local files via this command (it is disabled by default).
Moves data from Vertica to MySQL.