Microsoft AzureCreate an Azure Service Bus Topic under a Service Bus Namespace by using ServiceBusAdministrationClient
Access Instructions
Install the Microsoft Azure provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
topic_nameRequiredName of the topic.
default_message_time_to_liveISO 8601 default message time span to live value. This is the duration after which the message expires, starting from when the message is sent to Service Bus. This is the default value used when TimeToLive is not set on a message itself. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like “PT300S” is accepted.
max_size_in_megabytesThe maximum size of the topic in megabytes, which is the size of memory allocated for the topic.
requires_duplicate_detectionA value indicating if this topic requires duplicate detection.
duplicate_detection_history_time_windowISO 8601 time span structure that defines the duration of the duplicate detection history. The default value is 10 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like “PT300S” is accepted.
enable_batched_operationsValue that indicates whether server-side batched operations are enabled.
size_in_bytesThe size of the topic, in bytes.
filtering_messages_before_publishingFilter messages before publishing.
authorization_rulesList of Authorization rules for resource.
support_orderingA value that indicates whether the topic supports ordering.
auto_delete_on_idleISO 8601 time span idle interval after which the topic is automatically deleted. The minimum duration is 5 minutes. Input value of either type ~datetime.timedelta or string in ISO 8601 duration format like “PT300S” is accepted.
enable_partitioningA value that indicates whether the topic is to be partitioned across multiple message brokers.
enable_expressA value that indicates whether Express Entities are enabled. An express queue holds a message in memory temporarily before writing it to persistent storage.
user_metadataMetadata associated with the topic.
max_message_size_in_kilobytesThe maximum size in kilobytes of message payload that can be accepted by the queue. This feature is only available when using a Premium namespace and Service Bus API version “2021-05” or higher. The minimum allowed value is 1024 while the maximum allowed value is 102400. Default value is 1024.
Create an Azure Service Bus Topic under a Service Bus Namespace by using ServiceBusAdministrationClient
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Create Azure Service Bus Topic