Microsoft AzureChecks for the existence of a document which matches the given query in CosmosDB. Example:
Access Instructions
Install the Microsoft Azure provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
database_nameRequiredTarget CosmosDB database_name.
collection_nameRequiredTarget CosmosDB collection_name.
document_idRequiredThe ID of the target document.
azure_cosmos_conn_idReference to the Azure CosmosDB connection.
Checks for the existence of a document which matches the given query in CosmosDB. Example:
azure_cosmos_sensor = AzureCosmosDocumentSensor(database_name="somedatabase_name",collection_name="somecollection_name",document_id="unique-doc-id",azure_cosmos_conn_id="azure_cosmos_default",task_id="azure_cosmos_sensor",)