KubernetesKubernetesPodTrigger run on the trigger worker to check the state of Pod.
Access Instructions
Install the Kubernetes provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
pod_nameThe name of the pod.
pod_namespaceThe namespace of the pod.
kubernetes_conn_idThe kubernetes connection id for the Kubernetes cluster.
cluster_contextContext that points to kubernetes cluster.
config_dictKubernetes config file content in dict format. If not specified, default value is ~/.kube/config
poll_intervalPolling period in seconds to check for the status.
trigger_start_timetime in Datetime format when the trigger was started
in_clusterrun kubernetes client with in_cluster configuration.
should_delete_podWhat to do when the pod reaches its final state, or the execution is interrupted. If True (default), delete the pod; if False, leave the pod.
get_logsget the stdout of the container as logs of the tasks.
startup_timeouttimeout in seconds to start up the pod.
KubernetesPodTrigger run on the trigger worker to check the state of Pod.