GoogleBigQueryIntervalCheckTrigger run on the trigger worker, inherits from BigQueryInsertJobTrigger class
Access Instructions
Install the Google provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
conn_idReference to google cloud connection id
first_job_idThe ID of the job 1 performed
second_job_idThe ID of the job 2 performed
project_idGoogle Cloud Project where the job is running
dataset_idThe dataset ID of the requested table. (templated)
tabletable name
metrics_thresholdsdictionary of ratios indexed by metrics
date_filter_columncolumn name
days_backnumber of days between ds and the ds we want to check against
ratio_formularation formula
ignore_zeroboolean value to consider zero or not
table_idThe table ID of the requested table. (templated)
poll_intervalpolling period in seconds to check for the status
BigQueryIntervalCheckTrigger run on the trigger worker, inherits from BigQueryInsertJobTrigger class