imageRequiredDocker image from which to create the container. If image tag is omitted, “latest” will be used. (templated)
api_versionRemote API version. Set to auto to automatically detect the server’s version.
commandCommand to be run in the container. (templated)
container_nameName of the container. Optional (templated)
cpusNumber of CPUs to assign to the container. This value gets multiplied with 1024. See
docker_urlURL of the host running the docker daemon. Default is unix://var/run/docker.sock
environmentEnvironment variables to set in the container. (templated)
private_environmentPrivate environment variables to set in the container. These are not templated, and hidden from the website.
env_fileRelative path to the .env file with environment variables to set in the container. Overridden by variables in the environment parameter. (templated)
force_pullPull the docker image on every run. Default is False.
mem_limitMaximum amount of memory the container can use. Either a float value, which represents the limit in bytes, or a string like 128m or 1g.
host_tmp_dirSpecify the location of the temporary directory on the host which will be mapped to tmp_dir. If not provided defaults to using the standard system temp directory.
network_modeNetwork mode for the container. It can be one of the following: bridge - Create new network stack for the container with default docker bridge network None - No networking for this container container: - Use the network stack of another container specified via host - Use the host network stack. Incompatible with port_bindings ‘|’ - Connects the container to user created network (using docker network create command)
tls_ca_certPath to a PEM-encoded certificate authority to secure the docker connection.
tls_client_certPath to the PEM-encoded certificate used to authenticate docker client.
tls_client_keyPath to the PEM-encoded key used to authenticate docker client.
tls_hostnameHostname to match against the docker server certificate or False to disable the check.
tls_ssl_versionVersion of SSL to use when communicating with docker daemon.
mount_tmp_dirSpecify whether the temporary directory should be bind-mounted from the host to the container. Defaults to True
tmp_dirMount point inside the container to a temporary directory created on the host by the operator. The path is also made available via the environment variable AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR inside the container.
userDefault user inside the docker container.
mountsList of volumes to mount into the container. Each item should be a docker.types.Mount instance.
entrypointOverwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
working_dirWorking directory to set on the container (equivalent to the -w switch the docker client)
xcom_allPush all the stdout or just the last line. The default is False (last line).
docker_conn_idThe Docker connection id
dnsDocker custom DNS servers
dns_searchDocker custom DNS search domain
auto_removeAuto-removal of the container on daemon side when the container’s process exits. The default is never.
shm_sizeSize of /dev/shm in bytes. The size must be greater than 0. If omitted uses system default.
ttyAllocate pseudo-TTY to the container This needs to be set see logs of the Docker container.
hostnameOptional hostname for the container.
privilegedGive extended privileges to this container.
cap_addInclude container capabilities
retrieve_outputShould this docker image consistently attempt to pull from and output file before manually shutting down the image. Useful for cases where users want a pickle serialized output that is not posted to logs
retrieve_output_pathpath for output file that will be retrieved and passed to xcom
device_requestsExpose host resources such as GPUs to the container.
log_opts_max_sizeThe maximum size of the log before it is rolled. A positive integer plus a modifier representing the unit of measure (k, m, or g). Eg: 10m or 1g Defaults to -1 (unlimited).
log_opts_max_fileThe maximum number of log files that can be present. If rolling the logs creates excess files, the oldest file is removed. Only effective when max-size is also set. A positive integer. Defaults to 1.
ipc_modeSet the IPC mode for the container.
skip_exit_codeIf task exits with this exit code, leave the task in skipped state (default: None). If set to None, any non-zero exit code will be treated as a failure.