DatabricksInteract with Databricks.
Access Instructions
Install the Databricks provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
databricks_conn_idReference to the Databricks connection.
timeout_secondsThe amount of time in seconds the requests library will wait before timing-out.
retry_limitThe number of times to retry the connection in case of service outages.
retry_delayThe number of seconds to wait between retries (it might be a floating point number).
retry_argsAn optional dictionary with arguments passed to tenacity.Retrying class.
Interact with Databricks.
Example DAGs
Execute ML Pipelines in Databricks
Run an end-to-end pipeline from BigQuery data ingest, feature engineering, model training, to publishing all within a Databricks cluster.
AI + Machine Learning
Retrain ML Model in Databricks
Demonstrates orchestrating ML retrain pipelines executed on Databricks with Airflow.
AI + Machine Learning