
Astronomer ProvidersCertified

First, waits for pod pod_name to reach running state within pending_phase_timeout. Next, waits for container_name to reach a terminal state.

Access Instructions

Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


kubernetes_conn_idAirflow connection ID to use
hook_paramskwargs for hook
container_nameRequiredcontainer to wait for
pod_nameRequiredname of pod to monitor
pod_namespaceRequiredpod namespace
pending_phase_timeoutmax time in seconds to wait for pod to leave pending phase
poll_intervalnumber of seconds between reading pod state
logging_intervalnumber of seconds to wait before kicking it back to the operator to print latest logs. If None will wait until container done.
last_log_timewhere to resume logs from


First, waits for pod pod_name to reach running state within pending_phase_timeout. Next, waits for container_name to reach a terminal state.

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