
Astronomer ProvidersCertified

SnowflakeOperatorAsync uses the snowflake python connector execute_async method to submit a database command for asynchronous execution.

Access Instructions

Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


snowflake_conn_idReference to Snowflake connection id
sqlthe sql code to be executed. (templated)
autocommitif True, each command is automatically committed. (default value: True)
parameters(optional) the parameters to render the SQL query with.
warehousename of warehouse (will overwrite any warehouse defined in the connection’s extra JSON)
databasename of database (will overwrite database defined in connection)
schemaname of schema (will overwrite schema defined in connection)
rolename of role (will overwrite any role defined in connection’s extra JSON)
authenticatorauthenticator for Snowflake. ‘snowflake’ (default) to use the internal Snowflake authenticator ‘externalbrowser’ to authenticate using your web browser and Okta, ADFS or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identify provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account ‘’ to authenticate through native Okta.
session_parametersYou can set session-level parameters at the time you connect to Snowflake
handler(optional) the function that will be applied to the cursor (default: fetch_all_handler).
return_last(optional) if return the result of only last statement (default: True).
poll_intervalthe interval in seconds to poll the query


  • SnowflakeOperatorAsync uses the snowflake python connector execute_async method to submit a database command for asynchronous execution.

  • Submit multiple queries in parallel without waiting for each query to complete.

  • Accepts list of queries or multiple queries with ‘;’ semicolon separated string and params. It loops through the queries and execute them in sequence. Uses execute_async method to run the query

  • Once a query is submitted, it executes the query from one connection and gets the query IDs from the response and passes it to the Triggerer and closes the connection (so that the worker slots can be freed up).

  • The trigger gets the list of query IDs as input and polls every few seconds to snowflake and checks for the query status based on the query ID from different connection.

param snowflake_conn_id

Reference to Snowflake connection id

param sql

the sql code to be executed. (templated)

param autocommit

if True, each command is automatically committed. (default value: True)

param parameters

(optional) the parameters to render the SQL query with.

param warehouse

name of warehouse (will overwrite any warehouse defined in the connection’s extra JSON)

param database

name of database (will overwrite database defined in connection)

param schema

name of schema (will overwrite schema defined in connection)

param role

name of role (will overwrite any role defined in connection’s extra JSON)

param authenticator

authenticator for Snowflake. ‘snowflake’ (default) to use the internal Snowflake authenticator ‘externalbrowser’ to authenticate using your web browser and Okta, ADFS or any other SAML 2.0-compliant identify provider (IdP) that has been defined for your account ‘https://<your_okta_account_name>’ to authenticate through native Okta.

param session_parameters

You can set session-level parameters at the time you connect to Snowflake

param handler

(optional) the function that will be applied to the cursor (default: fetch_all_handler).

param return_last

(optional) if return the result of only last statement (default: True).

param poll_interval

the interval in seconds to poll the query

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