Astronomer ProvidersInteract with an SFTP server via asyncssh package
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
sftp_conn_idSFTP connection ID to be used for connecting to SFTP server
hosthostname of the SFTP server
portport of the SFTP server
usernameusername used when authenticating to the SFTP server
passwordpassword used when authenticating to the SFTP server Can be left blank if using a key file
known_hostspath to the known_hosts file on the local file system If known_hosts is set to the literal “none”, then no host verification is performed
key_filepath to the client key file used for authentication to SFTP server
passphrasepassphrase used with the key_file for authentication to SFTP server
Interact with an SFTP server via asyncssh package