Astronomer ProvidersResume a paused AWS Redshift Cluster, and Few points on the cluster creation to avoid this type of Exception ex:- ‘You can’t Resume cluster redshift-cluster-1 because no recently available backup was found. Create a manual snapshot or wait for an automated snapshot, then retry’ 1.While creating the cluster make sure it is created in unique and snapshot is created (or) 2.If it is created with previously deleted cluster name make sure there is a snapshot in the cluster. (or) 3.Delete the cluster with snapshot created (it is not suggested because this snapshot storage is chargeable)
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
Resume a paused AWS Redshift Cluster, and Few points on the cluster creation to avoid this type of Exception ex:- ‘You can’t Resume cluster redshift-cluster-1 because no recently available backup was found. Create a manual snapshot or wait for an automated snapshot, then retry’ 1.While creating the cluster make sure it is created in unique and snapshot is created (or) 2.If it is created with previously deleted cluster name make sure there is a snapshot in the cluster. (or) 3.Delete the cluster with snapshot created (it is not suggested because this snapshot storage is chargeable)