Astronomer ProvidersA trigger that fires when the request to a URL returns a non-404 status code
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
endpointThe relative part of the full url
http_conn_idThe HTTP Connection ID to run the sensor against
methodThe HTTP request method to use
datapayload to be uploaded or aiohttp parameters
headersa dictionary of string key/value pairsThe HTTP headers to be added to the GET request
extra_optionsAdditional kwargs to pass when creating a request. For example, run(json=obj) is passed as aiohttp.ClientSession().get(json=obj)
poke_intervalTime to sleep using asyncio
A trigger that fires when the request to a URL returns a non-404 status code