Astronomer ProvidersChecks for changes in the number of objects at prefix in Google Cloud Storage bucket and returns Trigger Event if the inactivity period has passed with no increase in the number of objects.
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
bucketThe Google Cloud Storage bucket where the objects are. expected.
prefixThe name of the prefix to check in the Google cloud storage bucket.
poke_intervalpolling period in seconds to check
inactivity_periodThe total seconds of inactivity to designate an upload session is over. Note, this mechanism is not real time and this operator may not return until a interval after this period has passed with no additional objects sensed.
min_objectsThe minimum number of objects needed for upload session to be considered valid.
previous_objectsThe set of object ids found during the last poke.
allow_deleteShould this sensor consider objects being deleted between intervals valid behavior. If true a warning message will be logged when this happens. If false an error will be raised.
google_cloud_conn_idThe connection ID to use when connecting to Google Cloud Storage.
Checks for changes in the number of objects at prefix in Google Cloud Storage bucket and returns Trigger Event if the inactivity period has passed with no increase in the number of objects.