Astronomer ProvidersAn async operator that submits jobs to EMR on EKS virtual clusters.
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
nameThe name of the job run.
virtual_cluster_idThe EMR on EKS virtual cluster ID
execution_role_arnThe IAM role ARN associated with the job run.
release_labelThe Amazon EMR release version to use for the job run.
job_driverJob configuration details, e.g. the Spark job parameters.
configuration_overridesThe configuration overrides for the job run, specifically either application configuration or monitoring configuration.
client_request_tokenThe client idempotency token of the job run request. Use this if you want to specify a unique ID to prevent two jobs from getting started. If no token is provided, a UUIDv4 token will be generated for you.
aws_conn_idThe Airflow connection used for AWS credentials.
poll_intervalTime (in seconds) to wait between two consecutive calls to check query status on EMR
max_triesDeprecated - use max_polling_attempts instead.
max_polling_attemptsMaximum number of times to wait for the job run to finish. Defaults to None, which will poll until the job is not in a pending, submitted, or running state.
tagsThe tags assigned to job runs. Defaults to None
An async operator that submits jobs to EMR on EKS virtual clusters.