Astronomer ProvidersAzureDataFactoryTrigger is triggered when Azure data factory pipeline job succeeded or failed. When wait_for_termination is set to False it triggered immediately with success status
Access Instructions
Install the Astronomer Providers provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
run_idRun id of a Azure data pipeline run job.
azure_data_factory_conn_idThe connection identifier for connecting to Azure Data Factory.
end_timeTime in seconds when triggers will timeout.
resource_group_nameThe resource group name.
factory_nameThe data factory name.
wait_for_terminationFlag to wait on a pipeline run’s termination.
check_intervalTime in seconds to check on a pipeline run’s status.
AzureDataFactoryTrigger is triggered when Azure data factory pipeline job succeeded or failed. When wait_for_termination is set to False it triggered immediately with success status