
Apache Beam

Launching Apache Beam pipelines written in Python. Note that both default_pipeline_options and pipeline_options will be merged to specify pipeline execution parameter, and default_pipeline_options is expected to save high-level options, for instances, project and zone information, which apply to all beam operators in the DAG.

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Last Updated: Jan. 23, 2023

Access Instructions

Install the Apache Beam provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


py_fileRequiredReference to the python Apache Beam pipeline, e.g., /some/local/file/path/to/your/python/pipeline/file. (templated)
py_optionsAdditional python options, e.g., [“-m”, “-v”].
py_interpreterPython version of the beam pipeline. If None, this defaults to the python3. To track python versions supported by beam and related issues check:
py_requirementsAdditional python package(s) to install. If a value is passed to this parameter, a new virtual environment has been created with additional packages installed. You could also install the apache_beam package if it is not installed on your system or you want to use a different version.
py_system_site_packagesWhether to include system_site_packages in your virtualenv. See virtualenv documentation for more information. This option is only relevant if the py_requirements parameter is not None.


Launching Apache Beam pipelines written in Python. Note that both default_pipeline_options and pipeline_options will be merged to specify pipeline execution parameter, and default_pipeline_options is expected to save high-level options, for instances, project and zone information, which apply to all beam operators in the DAG.

See also

For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Run Python Pipelines in Apache Beam

See also

For more detail on Apache Beam have a look at the reference:

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