
Apache Airflow Certified

This class stores a sensor work with decoded context value. It is only used inside of smart sensor. Create a sensor work based on sensor instance record. A sensor work object has the following attributes: dag_id: sensor_instance dag_id. task_id: sensor_instance task_id. execution_date: sensor_instance execution_date. try_number: sensor_instance try_number poke_context: Decoded poke_context for the sensor task. execution_context: Decoded execution_context. hashcode: This is the signature of poking job. operator: The sensor operator class. op_classpath: The sensor operator class path encoded_poke_context: The raw data from sensor_instance poke_context column. log: The sensor work logger which will mock the corresponding task instance log.

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Last Updated: Aug. 4, 2022

Access Instructions

Install the Apache Airflow provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


siThe sensor_instance ORM object.


This class stores a sensor work with decoded context value. It is only used inside of smart sensor. Create a sensor work based on sensor instance record. A sensor work object has the following attributes: dag_id: sensor_instance dag_id. task_id: sensor_instance task_id. execution_date: sensor_instance execution_date. try_number: sensor_instance try_number poke_context: Decoded poke_context for the sensor task. execution_context: Decoded execution_context. hashcode: This is the signature of poking job. operator: The sensor operator class. op_classpath: The sensor operator class path encoded_poke_context: The raw data from sensor_instance poke_context column. log: The sensor work logger which will mock the corresponding task instance log.

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