AmazonCopies data from a source S3 location to a temporary location on the local filesystem. Runs a transformation on this file as specified by the transformation script and uploads the output to a destination S3 location.
Access Instructions
Install the Amazon provider package into your Airflow environment.
Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.
Copies data from a source S3 location to a temporary location on the local filesystem. Runs a transformation on this file as specified by the transformation script and uploads the output to a destination S3 location.
The locations of the source and the destination files in the local filesystem is provided as a first and second arguments to the transformation script. The transformation script is expected to read the data from source, transform it and write the output to the local destination file. The operator then takes over control and uploads the local destination file to S3.
S3 Select is also available to filter the source contents. Users can omit the transformation script if S3 Select expression is specified.
See also
For more information on how to use this operator, take a look at the guide: Transform an Amazon S3 object