

Export data from Exasol database to AWS S3 bucket.

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Last Updated: Oct. 23, 2022

Access Instructions

Install the Amazon provider package into your Airflow environment.

Import the module into your DAG file and instantiate it with your desired params.


query_or_tableRequiredthe sql statement to be executed or table name to export
keyRequiredS3 key that will point to the file
bucket_nameName of the bucket in which to store the file
replaceA flag to decide whether or not to overwrite the key if it already exists. If replace is False and the key exists, an error will be raised.
encryptIf True, the file will be encrypted on the server-side by S3 and will be stored in an encrypted form while at rest in S3.
gzipIf True, the file will be compressed locally
acl_policyString specifying the canned ACL policy for the file being uploaded to the S3 bucket.
query_paramsQuery parameters passed to underlying export_to_file method of ExaConnection.
export_paramsExtra parameters passed to underlying export_to_file method of ExaConnection.


Export data from Exasol database to AWS S3 bucket.

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