Using Census for Reverse ETL in Airflow

This reverse-ETL pipeline syncs customer data from a Snowflake data warehouse to a marketing platform using Census.


Run this DAG

1. Install the Astronomer CLI:Skip if you already have our CLI

2. Download the repository:

3. Navigate to where the repository was cloned and start the DAG:

Sync Customer Data from a Data Warehouse to Marketing Campaign Platform with Census

This reverse-ETL pipeline syncs customer data from a Snowflake data warehouse to a marketing platform using Census for those customers who last ordered a configurable number of days before the current date. The extracted customer information will be used to send personalized emails as part of an ongoing reengagement campaign.


For configuration purposes, the pipeline uses an Airflow Variable which contains the number of days since a customer's last order was placed to send a reengagement email: days_since_last_order. The Variable JSON is structured in the following manner:

"campaigns": {
"reengagement": {
"days_since_last_order": 90


The Airflow Connections used for Census and Snowflake are stored under the default connection IDs, "census_default" and "snowflake_default", respectively.